Many people will tell you that you can't get into marketing without a degree and to those people I politely say... f**k off!
People will also tell you that you if you want to go into marketing without a degree that you need to start at the bottom or begin by working for smaller companies... this is all a load of bollocks.
When I applied for my first marketing role, I was a Store Manager with absolutely zero experience. I'd always had an interest in the industry and knew that eventually I wanted to go into it, but just wasn't sure what the right path was.
That first interview, I was as nervous as a person could be. But I walked in there knowing that I was going to come out with a job offer because I was confident with what I had to demonstrate.
I've always been an advocate of having "something in your back pocket" when you go to any interview. Showing them something or bringing something that the interviewer hadn't asked for.
For this particular role, I turned up with a presentation for a product launch campaign (which I'd been asked to prepare) but what they didn't expect was all the extras I turned up with... I presented them with accompanying training plans for staff, examples of external comms to customers, merchandising ideas for the shop windows... blah, blah, blah you get the point.
What made me stand out amongst everyone else was that I was willing to go the extra mile and also do research myself and learn new skills on my own.
Two days later I got the phone call to say I was the new UK Brand & Social Media Correspondent for Lush Cosmetics!
This wasn't some tiny, local brand... this was a massive, well-respected business with experts in the industry and a fiercely loyal customer base.
As my time there went on, I arranged to spend a very small amount of time each week with someone in a different area of the business. IT support, web developers, graphic designers, copywriters, you name it... if they worked there, then I spent time with them.
I asked them pretty basic questions and then asked them to explain to me what they did. I would always ask them for the best tips, tricks and hacks they use and then I would go home and spend hours after work, learning more about that particular job.
This exposure is what allowed me to move on into a marketing role of my own and now I have my own marketing business!
So... if anyone tells you that you need a degree to get into marketing, tell them to go f**k themselves!